My husband and Keagan took a fall down the stairs yesterday. Tommy slipped on his pajama pants and took a fall. He decided to take Keagan to the ER with my mom just to make sure he was okay. After the x-rays, we were assured that Keagan was fine and had no broken parts. Phew! But later he wasn't putting any weight on his left leg at home so we were a little concerned-as anyone would be. We received a phone call today saying that they found a hairline fracture on his femur! So we rushed home from work and headed to the orthopedic department and they decided to put on a full leg cast. Keagan cried as they put it on, but once we picked him up he was happy go lucky again. It's the smallest cast I've ever seen. It's almost kind of cute. So sad....but so cute. 2 weeks with this cast. Poor little guy!
1 comment:
Keagan, you are so brave!
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