Easter has come and gone. That was so fast. From Easter egg dyeing and Easter egg hunts to Easter pageants and Sunday meals- it was so much fun this year. Having little ones around allows me to buy in to all of the things that go along with this holiday.
We spent Saturday dyeing our eggs with my nephew. The dye kits are amazing nowadays. They have great colors, shrinking wraps, stickers and a wax crayon all inside that little box! I have to say that the shrinking wrap was the neatest thing. You slip the plastic around the egg and then submerge it in boiling water and the plastic wrap magically adheres to the egg. I didn't believe it would work, but it did! Sunday included breakfast, church, egg hunts, an amazing dinner and my contribution: red velvet whoopie pies.
We had whoopie pies from Corner Bakery recently and they were amazing. I normally shudder at the idea of cake like that with who knows what is inside. Ding Dongs and Twinkies are not my idea of a tasty treat. Although my husband could eat a dozen and then some. These whoopie pies were really really good-try them-you'll see what I mean. My friends will order a platter of them for birthdays or for gatherings-they're a great dessert to put out.
I do plan on making some from scratch, but I admit I cheated this time. I only had one hour to make dessert and I wanted to keep it simple. I received a canister of Sprinkles Red Velvet Cupcake mix from my brother in law and I decided to use it, but not to make cupcakes. I made whoopie pies instead. It's the same idea except instead of putting them in cupcake liners, you use a small cookie dough scooper and place a mound of it on silpats or parchment paper. I only put 6 per sheet because they spread. Once they are completely baked, you must remove the silpat or the parchment from the baking sheets immediately so they don't continue to cook. I used a simple cream cheese buttercream frosting for the inside filling. My family liked them. I will be searching for the best whoopie pie recipe. The happy face is my uncle's contribution. He loves cream cheese frosting. He didn't want to see it go to waste.
See the tiny jello eggs? Aren't they so adorable? That's my Auntie for you. She's so creative.
I hope you all had a Happy Easter!
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